Posted on Wednesday, November 30, 2016 by

I thought nobody was there for me in life when things got rough... I was wrong.
Growing up hasn’t been easy. In fact, it’s been a fight. Like many of my peers, my home life was not ideal due to addictions, poverty, homelessness and frequent moves to different places. Over time, these difficult situations lead to many unhealthy friendships with the wrong people and deep wounds in my heart.
Joining YFC as an incoming sophomore was one of the best things I’ve ever done. I first met Sondra, YFC City Life Coordinator, at Lincoln High School when I was a manager for the football team. I knew that she was someone I could trust, love and depend on. That year, at YFC Camp, Jesus entered my story and I put my faith in Him. Jesus took the old me, with all the wounds, and nailed it all to the cross and allowed me to re-emerge as His daughter - loved, forgiven, accepted and free. Being baptized in front of my friends and everyone I love, meant that they got to see the work He has done and continues to do in my story and allow it to resonate with theirs.
You should never doubt Jesus. In the end He will always be there for you and will never give up on you. As your story is still ongoing, you will have obstacles your life that you can’t stop. Don’t dwell on these things. Keep moving forward and never give up because when you feel like giving up, you are missing out on what Jesus has to offer.