Baby A’reija is Here!!!

Posted on by Mark Lindberg

I opened my eyes and looked at the clock. 4am. I was wide awake. I lay in bed and asked the Lord, why am I wide awake this early? My thoughts went to Air and her contractions starting the day before. I reached over to my phone and sent her a text, “how are you doing?” A few seconds later my phone lit up. I read the message, “I’m at an 8, in the hospital, having the baby!” I whispered to John, “I’m going to go to the hospital, is that all right?” He, 

half asleep, spurted back “what, what’s going on?” After realizing it was joyful hopital news he said it was fine and I was on my way. Nothing like an adventure up to St. Joes Hospital on the hilltop at 4am! I got there just in time to miss the epidural needle coming in…ahhh…just enough to keep me from wanting to get pregnant myself too soon!

At 1:52am beautiful A’rieja came into this world. I’ve never been in the room for a birth before!  It was an incredible experience to be with Air and root her on along the way!! A’rieja now was resting on Air looking up at her Mom for the first time! A’rieja’s dad looked at me and asked, “so how does it feel to be a God mom?” I paused and then shared, “Wow, I’m still soaking it all in!” I asked him back, “how does it feel to be a dad?” He shared my same response with a huge smile on his face.

I just love this family so much. And God loves this family so much! Airfeaira, her new baby girl, her mom Tunya, her younger sister, her two brothers, her many cousins. They are some of my favorite people in the entire world! I’m so thankful I get to walk with Air through life and especially last week, with her bringing life into the world.

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