New Outreach to Woodbrook Middle School
Posted on Monday, March 7, 2016 by

"They preached the gospel in that city and won a large number of disciples. Then they returned to Lystra, Iconium and Antioch, strengthening the disciples and encouraging them to remain true to the faith. “We must go through many hardships to enter the kingdom of God,” they said. Paul and Barnabas appointed elders for them in each church and, with prayer and fasting, committed them to the Lord, in whom they had put their trust." Acts 14:21-23
Have you ever wondered about the people who grew the Church following Jesus’ death and resurrection? These men and women, whose faith persevered in the face of severe persecution, are not shrouded in mystery, nor have they been banished to the collection of legends and myths. On the contrary, scripture offers a front row seat to the origin of the Church and the tales of the apostles, who took to heart Jesus’ call to make disciples of all nations, sacrifice everything, and build the foundation we still stand on today.
Two thousand years later finds believers following in these founders’ footsteps. Back then it was Antioch. Today it is Tillicum, Washington.
In this small area just south of Lakewood in Tacoma, a new generation of disciples is planting seeds just like the apostles planted churches. When the Tillicum ministry team recognized a need in the lives of kids in that area, they were inspired to launch an outreach program called Campus Life at Woodbrook Middle School.
Hundreds of kids go to school at Woodbrook every day. Inspired to bring development and mentoring to the lives of these kids, Youth for Christ leaders set out to deliver God’s redemptive story in a way that would promote acceptance and safety. Six kids joined in when the ministry team launched Campus Life at Woodbrook in February 2016. By the end of the month, that number had doubled to 12! Campus Life at Woodbrook is sure to grow as it continues to meet after school two times a month.
The Campus Life program is transformational.
It helps support the mission of Youth for Christ by building relationships, trust and mentorship into the lives of students. Interaction and inclusion are incredibly important to the development of children, many of whom depend on school for their mental and physical needs. Campus Life offers a place for kids to be themselves and learn about God’s grace and love, and acts as a resource for students who struggle academically, socially and morally.
By bringing leaders to the school campus to teach, guide and listen, students learn that they are heard and cared for. This opens the door to forming young adult leaders who have been taken beyond their struggles and into their full potential. Like a ripple in the water, their confidence and acceptance will spread to their classmates, and Woodbrook will never be the same again.