Critical Element

Posted on by Tacoma YFC

Story from Josh Chambers, Tacoma YFC leader since 2012

Adir has been homeless and living with a friend for the past year. He can be disrespectful and sometimes needs a lot of attention. Adir is very loud at times but also withdrawn and distrusting. Academically, he struggles. With three older siblings, a dad in jail, and a mom forced to move away and live with family due to alcohol-related health issues, life is chaotic and uncertain.

It is easy to see how Adir could feel alone, abandoned, and angry. But in the midst of it all, his relationship with God is growing.

What makes the difference? Belonging.

Josh met Adir at Jason Lee Middle School in Tacoma four years ago and he’s been a part of the Hilltop City Life ministry, Sozo, ever since. Sozo provided Adir with somewhere to go, a place to belong, and a family he can count on. From hanging out extensively with Josh and other Sozo leaders to jumping into YFC Camp and joining a local youth group, he is connected and involved.  

Through that belonging, Adir was introduced to the person of Jesus. He refers to himself as a child of God and his faith is active, even recently practicing fasting for 24 hours. For the last four years, Sozo has provided Adir with the family he was missing.

Adir is going to YFC Camp again this year. Will you join with us in prayer for Adir to have the freedom to just be a kid while he’s with us at Island Lake Camp in Poulsbo? We’re hopeful he’ll have a week free from worries about where he’ll find a bed or his next meal -- a week to be a normal kid, laughing with friends, loved by Jesus and his YFC family.

Want to learn more about YFC Camp? Click here! Interested in receiving regular prayer updates? Join our prayer team here!

(Teen name and image have been changed.)

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