God Decided That YFC Wasn’t Over for Me
Posted on Friday, April 20, 2018 by

From Campus Life in Damascus, Maryland, to City Life in Tillicum, WA, Emily is an example of the courage and commitment of our leaders. Emily’s story starts in high school by giving her life to Jesus at her YFC camp on the East Coast. Now, God has called her to share that story with the youth in Tillicum. We asked her to share more about the journey God has her on with YFC…
Tell us about how God first led you to YFC.
It was winter during my Sophomore year in high school back in Maryland. I was invited to Campus Life by my friends and I experienced God’s presence right away. By my senior year I was the high school intern for Campus Life and experiencing what God was doing in my community gave me a bigger picture of God.
How did God lead you to YFC in Pierce County?
I wasn’t excited to move to Tacoma at first and leave my whole life behind. I held on to the promise that God had purpose for me. I was sad to leave YFC behind after High School but God decided that YFC wasn’t over for me. He gave me the heart and courage to connect to Tacoma YFC 2,3000 miles away from home. Coincidentally, I reached out on my third year anniversary of saying yes to God at North Bay Camp (summer 2014). From that point on, I knew that the plans God had for me were far greater than I could understand.
What is the hardest part about being a volunteer?
My hometown is very rural and suburban. The circumstances are very different in Tillicum. God has really opened my heart and I have really loved learning about the lives of the students I meet.
What is the best part? What do you love?
The best part about being a volunteer is seeing what God is doing in the lives of the kids. Watching how eager the kids are to learn about God when they club is one of my favorite parts.
How have you seen God move in the lives of the kids you work with?
Two brothers have gotten really involved in the ministry who were very shy and distant to begin with. It’s amazing seeing two middle schoolers’ really come alive and open up about deep struggles. They came to a leadership camp over Spring Break and ever since they are great examples to their peers and encourage them to do the same.
How have you grown through serving?
Since I started in Tillicum, God has strengthened me in more ways than I thought I needed! In the beginning I struggled with feeling discouraged because I assumed Middle Schoolers wouldn’t have the attention or interest in hearing what I had to say. I felt shy about sharing mine and God’s story fully. But my experience has been the exact opposite and God has given me the confidence to not hold back and pursue growing as a leader.
What’s rad about Tillicum?
Tillicum is so authentic and unique. It’s small so everyone knows everyone in some way or another. Tillicum is so connected that we even have community dinners together. It is truly its own little special place that I feel blessed to be a part of.
We love our leaders! Emily is just one of the many adults committed to building Christ-sharing relationships with 11-19 year olds in Pierce County. Wondering how you can be a part of what Emily and other leaders are up to in our community? Click here to learn more about partnering with Tacoma Area Youth For Christ!