Head & Heart: Why we care about both.
Posted on Friday, March 18, 2016 by

As you drive southward on Interstate-5 through Pierce County, you will see beautiful things through your window. Things like the waters of Puget Sound, the Downtown Tacoma skyline, and a snowcapped Mount Rainier off in the distance. As you journey along, you may be thinking of your schedule or destination, and take no notice of the exit leading to Tillicum, Washington. You would never know that the kids in this small area, which sits just below Lakewood in Tacoma, are in need of attention, love, and Jesus himself.
Many students who attend school in Tillicum struggle to stay engaged in their education. Without proper funding and learning opportunities, kids don’t know where to turn for the academic resources they require. This leads them to question the importance of education and eventually drop out of school.
We want to change this.
In the pursuit of bringing Jesus to this neighborhood of need, YFC offers free tutoring to students at the Tillicum Youth and Family Center.
When Tillicum funding was tapped out, volunteer tutors stepped up. These people engage with students, invest in them and listen to them. The dedication of these volunteers reflects that,
“Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.” - Aristotle
Because when kids open their hearts to hope and their minds to knowledge, they start to believe that their educations matter.
God is moving at Tacoma YFC’s Tillicum Youth and Family Center, whose tutoring service is growing all the time. However, this growth requires more tutors to keep up with the number of kids who need educational assistance. If you share YFC’s passion to provide students with the resources they need to learn and excel in school, please volunteer your time and talent. Because it is students from Tillicum and all over Pierce County that are riding in the cars beside you as you travel down Interstate-5. They are the children you pass in the grocery store, and the ones you see climbing on the school bus in the early morning hours. These kids need you to notice, care and pray for them.
To get involved, please contact info@tacomayfc.org
Written by Kiera Carpenter