Forgiveness Out Of Violence
Posted on Friday, July 10, 2015 by

Pop! Pop! Pop! Shots rang out on the streets of Tacoma as bystanders ran in every direction. A 17-year-old young man named Marcus had been shot. He died that night.
A few weeks later Jamal was brought to Remann Hall for illegal possession of a firearm. Investigators had yet to learn that Jamal shot into a crowd of people intending to strike rival gang members in retaliation for a previous altercation.... and Marcus’ life ended as a result.
Upon his arrival at Remann Hall, Jamal had no knowledge of whom he had shot. Quite frankly, he didn’t care. His loyalties lie with his local gang. Investigators soon pieced the puzzle together and Jamal was formally charged. Within a few days, the investigators identified the victim. When they released the victim’s name, Jamal broke down in tears. He was inconsolable. Jamal and Marcus had been very good friends. The gunfire intended to destroy someone else’s life had in turn destroyed Jamal’s.
When I think about the circumstances that took place that night, I am struck by the power that the enemy has to blind us when we turn away from Jesus.
When we’re not in alignment with Him, our vision is cloudy; our loyalties lie elsewhere. We aim and shoot blindly into a crowd causing only harm and destruction to everyone around… including ourselves. But the power of the enemy is no match for the love and redemption of Jesus Christ.
Since confessing to his crime, Jamal looks at his life through a different lens. He has begun the process of forgiving himself and asking forgiveness of others. Marcus’ mom reached out to Jamal forgiving him for the loss of her son and immediately a weight was lifted off Jamal’s shoulders.
Jamal’s journey of forgiveness is just beginning, but in the midst of darkness and death, Jesus always brings light and power. There is power in forgiveness. Jesus is not done writing Jamal’s story and we feel privileged that members of our Juvenile Justice Mission team will be there to walk with him.
Sage Sanchez works as Gang Intervention Specialist for The Northwest Leadership Foundation in Tacoma as well as serving Tacoma YFC in our Juvenile Justice Ministry. If you would like to get in touch with Sage please contact him at