Lily, student leadership team member

Posted on by Mark Lindberg

Our City Life Sozo leaders have known Lily for some time now, but Darrin Miller, City Life Director, just recently got to know her. “We first met her at a Girl’s Night we did back in March of 2009. She was one of 11 girls who came to our four-course dinner and purity night. We treated each of the girls to a full meal with all the trimmings and each received a rose and a promise ring along with a talk about respect and purity. It was a great time to see the truth of true love begin to penetrate their hearts. Lily was so sweet and ready for receiving all that God had for her. That was my only interaction with Rose until a car wash camp fundraiser in June. She came up to me and said, ‘Hi Darrin, do you remember me?’ I knew her face and then she said, ‘It’s me Lily.’ She had said a warm smile and then I said ‘Yes, of course, Lily, how are you?’ I commented to other leaders about how sweet and kind Lily is. They said yes she is, but s

he also has a tough side to her. I was surprised and then began to learn more.”

Lily has grown up around abuse here whole life. Her older brother is a former gang member and leader in Tacoma (he has received Christ and changing now, which is how we met Lily). She has been bounced around between mom and dad her whole life and never been able to really connect to her mom. Family members have been on and off drugs throughout her life and she has lived often in chaos and physical abuse. As a result, she has had difficulties connecting relationally to anyone. So on the outside, we see a kid with real needs who just wants to be accepted, but her defense has been to lash out when she feels uncomfortable.

Lily attended camp this year and has been a part of our student leadership team. She has been so receptive to the truth and has been growing. She faces an uphill battle in many ways, but has been trusting in Christ to overcome. She continues to be a part of our weekly outreaches and bible studies and we are so proud of how she is growing.









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