Let Youth Lead: Practical Steps for Empowerment
Posted on Monday, August 3, 2015 by

At the start of our first camp last summer, Doug Jonson, our camp leader for Middle School, got a call from home that demanded his presence immediately.
A teachable moment
In the wake of Doug’s absence, someone needed to step up and help Josh Chambers, our Hilltop Outreach Director, lead a cabin full of middle school boys who rarely get the opportunity to be at a place like Cascades for a week.
“I need you to step up and co-lead this cabin” Doug said to Josh.
Give them a chance to succeed
So Josh did just that but couldn't doit on his own. Micah was one of those squirrely middle schoolers, always looking for a way to catch the leaders off guard. Now, 4 years later, Micah is older and Josh needed a leader. Micah had a choice to make — either fit in, allowing the kids to get away with anything, OR, step up and lead with maturity even enforcing discipline when needed. There was no middle ground.
Yet when the Enemy might have thought he had sown confusion and instability in our Camp leaders, God’s Spirit led Micah in ways he never expected. Showing maturity beyond his young years he provided a listening ear, shared from his own experiences of doubt, fear and failure, and pointed these 12, 13 and 14 year olds to The Savior, Jesus.
Be an empowering leader
Once camp was finished and everyone had returned, I caught up with Doug who laughed at the responses he’s been hearing from his cabin of kids. “They had more fun, the cabin times were great, and they said the leaders really connected with them well…I think it went better without me being there!” No bitterness from Doug at all. Rather, it was joy in seeing God raise up a young leader who was willing to be used even when he least expected it!
by Bobby Arkills, Executive Director at Tacoma Area Youth For Christ