Parents… Your Voice Matters
Posted on Tuesday, July 14, 2015 by

“I can’t talk to my mom anymore! I told her that I was interested in girls (and boys) and she flew off the handle” - Sienna sent this comment to a leader just a few days after camp.
Three years ago I met Sienna at Truman Middle School at a Campus Life event and it didn’t take long for her to become a regular. She was a quirky girl always talking about horses, pets, or hanging with her friends and going four wheeling with her mom's boyfriend. In the seventh grade her family moved to Parkland, WA to live with her mom's boyfriend and she started to attend Club at Keithley.
I visited the Keithley Campus Life frequently and Sienna would always come and give me an excited, “hi"! She would share with me her recent horse riding escapades, struggles in school and her most recent boyfriend. I knew that camp was something that she wanted to do (especially the horseback riding) and money was the main impediment to getting her there. With the help of a scholarship and mom and stepdad in the loop, Sienna was on her way to camp.
Sienna loves Jesus
Hanging at the lakefront with her friends, canoeing, swimming, zip-lining through the forest, and of course the horses which she loved, the week at camp was amazing. As she heard about Christ, she began to think deeply about a relationship with Him. And as her cabin leader, Christina, was able to listen intently to her story, she was able to connect it to God’s story.
Sienna made a resounding “Yes” to Jesus but the story is not over. After being committing to being a part of a church with Christina and beginning to share honestly with her mom, the home life was not as supportive. Struggles at home continued and Sienna has found it hard to attend church and pursue her faith. Sienna’s mom does not trust Christians, and this is difficult for Sienna and for us who care about her story.
Why Sienna left the church?
It is heartbreaking to watch a teen make steps toward Jesus and then get discouraged or even turned away by their family. We know Sienna loves Jesus and He will continue to reshape her story. But we can't help the frustration when a kid truly wants to pursue Christ and thier family is not helping. For those of us in her life through Campus Life, we will continue to be the relational foundation for the journey with Christ that began for Sienna at camp.
3 Exhortations for parents
- Your voice matters: teens really do care what you think and say, even if it doesn't seem like it
- Your youth pastor/worker is here to help facilitate your kids journey, but your input is vital, get to know who is discipling your kid
- Pray for your teens, and be involved in their spiritual journey to help lead and guide
Ken Schmidtke is the City Life Director for Tacoma Area Youth for Christ.