“Starting over”
Posted on Wednesday, October 2, 2013 by

One of my newest, and most brave, friends is 16 year old Quentin. Quentin's been involved with our City Life ministry for nearly 5 years, dating back to his days at Jason Lee Middle School and attending "Float Friday".
The enticement of activities, Root Beer floats, and nearly 100 of his classmates at the end of each week was enough to keep him coming. Yet to hear him describe it, he was a "fringe" kid..coming each week, listening to the messages of hope from Trent Nelson and Doug Jonson, but not completely diving in. But that all changed this summer.
During the 5 days at YFCamp in central Oregon Quentin decided to trust Jesus for the first time. It was on a quiet evening when the camp was having "solo time" that he cried out to God to rescue him. Since that moment there's been no looking back. In fact, during the last morning of camp he stood in front of the 600+ campers and said, "If you're not right with God, don't wait any longer--do it now!"
And the change wasn't simply limited to YFCamp. The moment he returned home to Tacoma he stated, "Mom, we are going to be a family that prays." That declaration carried weight because in many ways Quentin is the "man of the house"--cousins, siblings, aunts and uncles look to him to set the right example. It hasn't always been that way but Quentin is set on making it right now.
One of the bold decisions Quentin is making is not to go back to his old high school, but to start new at Mt. Tahoma HS. I asked him why the change and if he had many friends at Mt. Tahoma. "I need to stay away from the old friends…and I only know one person at Mt. Tahoma, Jea ‘Ohnna." (Jea ‘Ohnna was a YFC intern this summer) That final statement really impressed me. Here's a kid who has spent years forging his identity with his peers from the neighborhood. But he's ready to put a stake in the ground, just like he did on his return home, by leaving what is comfortable--and filled with temptation--to start over, brand new, at a different school.
In Luke 9:23 Jesus challenges us that to truly follow him, we must take up our cross daily and follow him. Through a decision to trust Jesus at YFCamp to a declaration at home and a choice to begin fresh at school, Quentin is doing just that. Way to lead well, young man!