Starting “Parent Life”
Posted on Thursday, May 5, 2016 by

“Wait, you forgot your daughter!”
No, this wasn’t a declaration at the end of swim practice or following a long day at school. This was a snapshot of the day our oldest daughter, Kelsey (now 17), was born. In our excitement at being new parents Jenelle and I had left the delivery room on our way to our hospital room for rest…but had forgotten to take Kelsey with us! Even today those words echo in my head and remind me of this incredible new opportunity that stood in front of us seventeen years ago and the overwhelming feelings of inadequacy my wife and I both experienced.
Imagine the emotions a 14 year old girl faces when she finds out she’s pregnant?
Panic, fear, anxiety and loneliness. How do I care for this little person? When should they eat? How much? When will they stop crying? At Youth for Christ, we understand this need because many of these young girls are already connected to our City Life and Juvenile Justice ministries. But there are also hundreds more at local schools who want to be good moms but simply don’t know where to start.
This is why we’ve started Parent Life here in Pierce County.
Parent Life is a national Youth For Christ ministry that reaches out to young moms and dads. Through weekly small groups led by mentors and 1 on 1 times, our leaders seek to empower these teens to make good choices, move toward independent living and ultimately to become life-long followers of Jesus.
We’ve hired Ashley Robinson, a long time City Life volunteer, to start up this ministry.
A teen mom once herself, Ashley knows all too well the struggles of making it on her own and navigating parenthood at a young age. Ashley’s perspective, sensitive heart, and understanding make her uniquely gifted to lead this new ministry at YFC.
Would you join us?
Along with opportunities to volunteer, we need supplies—diapers, formula, baby clothes—just about anything a new mom would desire! Contact Ashley below for more information and ways to serve.
We can’t wait to see how the Lord uses this ministry and people like you to bless teen parents in Pierce County!
Bobby Arkills
Executive Director at Tacoma Area Youth For Christ