The Ministry of Development

Posted on by Bobby Arkills

Ever had a one way conversation--no give and take, no interest from the other person in getting to know you? I have and can attest, they're not that enjoyable.  By nature I'm an inquisitive person in conversation--meaning, I like to ask questions. I like to find out about you.  I like when the relationship seems to work both ways and the investment of time is mutual.

This morning I met with a significant Tacoma YFC ministry partner (donor) just to catch up.  Many could look at this relationship and say, "Well, you're friends simply because he contributes $$ to your ministry". That could be a fair assessment unless you sat in on our talk at Starbucks. Because if you did you would see that he sees his investment in kids as simply a way to steward his God given resources wisely.  And I see our time together as an opportunity to learn  how I can best pray for him. How do I pray for his business? What are the struggles he's facing? How is his family? Is he travelling too much?

Sure, we eventually get around to talking about the kids reached through Tacoma YFC ministries and the challenges, ministry and financial, that every non profit works through in this society and economy.  But my #1 purpose in this relationship isn't a "transaction": you give us $$=we reach kids. Rather it's: I invest in you (ministry partner/donor) and your walk with Jesus<--> your growing desire for God's will in your life and the best stewardship of His resources.

At Tacoma YFC we call this the "ministry of development". Much more than "fundraising" (which seems to be connected to my sales "technique", charisma, or tools), it's how we love and appreciate and connect donors to what God is doing in kids lives across Pierce County through YFC.  And it's just one reason why I love my job so much.  After 15 years as a Campus Life leader pouring into high school and middle school students, my ministry is now to 20-75 year olds who want to see God at work in young lives. I'm a blessed man.

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