The urgency of prayer
Posted on Sunday, October 16, 2016 by

There is an urgency in my life right now. Let me explain.
My oldest daughter, Kelsey, is a senior in high school. In 10 months she’ll be on her own, attending college and somewhat independent. There are some days she’s really excited about this upcoming reality, some days her Mom and I feel the same, and then there are days where we’re a bit sad and wonder how fast it’s gone. But this urgency—filling out college applications and financial aid forms, preparing her for life “out of the nest”—has reignited my prayers. It helps that I’m in the middle of a book by John Eldredge called Moving Mountains that is challenging me to remember God uses prayer to grow me in maturity, to pray persistently and with Jesus’ authority, and to realize we are in a battle with the Enemy.
Kelsey is one of 100,000 11-19 year olds across Pierce County.
There are 100,000 11-19 year olds across Pierce County, many of whom don’t know Jesus. They seek community, belonging, and purpose…often in destructive relationships and behaviors. The emptiness inside isn’t satisfied with counterfeit solutions. Only Jesus can fill that void.
Young people need our prayers.
We are at WAR. I could share story after story about kids we work with, 11-19 year olds who are struggling through situations that would break your heart. Or kids who were just like me in high school—everything looks “ok” on the outside, but just underneath the surface is a striving to be good, to fit in, and the emptiness is just as pronounced.
Today I’m calling you to join YFC in praying for kids.
We want a team of people who love to pray, who are willing to lift up YFC work in prayer—for our YFC leaders (volunteers and staff), for our ministry sites, and for new opportunities. I’m looking for people who will pick up the weapon of prayer and take on the Enemy.
This not for the faint of heart. Battling for the souls of lost young people is hard work. Your heart and your head must be “all in”. Will you join our Tacoma YFC Prayer team today? We’ve created a way for you to sign up to receive periodic updates—specific ways to pray for young people, for Tacoma YFC, and for our ministry partners. Now is the time. WE NEED YOU…pray with us, pray for us, let’s not sit back while this battle rages on for this generation of young people.
Bobby Arkills is the Executive Director of Tacoma Area Youth For Christ