Who’s at camp?
Posted on Thursday, August 4, 2016 by

We thought it might be cool to give a quick snapshot of just a few of the young people from YFC Camp this summer. Here's just a few of the kid's who went to Middle School camp a couple weeks ago and where they come from...
Ian signed up at the last minute. The day he got signed up his apartment complex was targeted by drug dealers who went from door to door collecting on money owed. His parents having just moved in had no idea when they were accosted by the dealers. They were just happy their son avoided the danger by being at YFC Camp for the week.
Cody experiences a lot of conflict at home, especially with dad. Has been confused about God and has verbalized his doubts all year at Campus life.
Keyauni is a young girl who just started coming to Campus Life club this past year. She has a lot of rough edges... no father, lives with only her mom. Financial struggles at home which creates a lot of stress.
Derek lives with his mom with no dad in his life. Mom has been unemployed for about a year due to health issues. Going to camp was a great opportunity for Derek since it has been hard for mom this past year. Derek has never responded to the gospel and in fact he has been quiet about what he believes regarding God.