Why Tacoma YFC?
Posted on Tuesday, June 4, 2019 by

By Frank Jackson, Tacoma YFC leader since February 2018
This is the question I have asked myself over and over in the last 9+ months. I keep coming back to this answer: because I was a lost 11-19 year-old and needed a caring adult in my life.
When I was that age I believed in my soul that there had to be more to my life than the abuse, neglect, and lack of love I was experiencing. I had a longing for guidance and direction--the same as the lost kids we serve. Honestly, I wasn’t sure if God existed. Or, if He did exist, was He for me?
My only experience with God had been in a church with my grandmother where the music was too loud, the message too far above my understanding to be personal, and the service lasted all day. I knew that due to severe alcoholism, the life my mom was living was not a good one, so what had God actually done to help my family? I remember wondering if He was real, why didn’t He care?
In the middle of a conversation I was having with a 12-year-old young man at one of our ministry sites, I asked him if he had ever been to church and if he believed in God. His answer surprised me a bit. He began to tell me that he went to church with his grandmother but could not understand what was being said, the music was loud, and that it went on forever. I laughed out loud because I knew exactly what he was talking about. We connected immediately and since then I have been able to build a Christ-sharing relationship with him. I meet with him weekly and would like to think our relationship will last a very long time in a mentorship capacity.
That is just one of many stories in my life as a lost kid that directly connects to the lost kids we help at TYFC. I am blessed to be a part of an organization that actually loves the type of kids that I once was and introduces them to Jesus Christ.
So to answer the question above, Why Tacoma YFC for me? I can sum it up with this: When I chose to volunteer, I wanted the experience of helping lost children, I got that. When I chose to accept a position with TYFC, I wanted to be a leader who could develop other leaders in ways that deepen their ability connect in Christ-sharing relationships with lost children, I am accomplishing that. Why am I a financial partner as a staff member? It’s simple, I believe in the national movement of YFC and I believe in the cause of Tacoma Youth For Christ.
Could YFC be for you? From prayer, to volunteering, to financial gifts, there is a way for anyone to be involved. Click here for more information, or contact us at info@tacomayfc.org or 253-292-1499.