Why We Love Our Local Churches
Posted on Thursday, February 16, 2017 by

A few years ago in a community a short distance away was a church that desired to intentionally develop ministry with students in their schools.
The pastor was already reaching out and meeting school administrators as well as students. Yet, more resources and people were needed to engage and minister in the middle and high schools that were located blocks from their church.
Enter Tim, the new youth pastor, eager and full of passion to collaborate in reaching these students. Tim and I realized we both shared the same vision for the community and came up with a course of action to intentionally do campus ministry together. Tim was able to recruit volunteers from church to start meeting students. We went to other churches in the community to invite them to partner with us and a few more joined in the mission and together Campus Life was launched!
Tim led club after school on Wednesdays where students and leaders were able to share their stories and build relationships. The school administration and teachers witnessed students lives changing and became even more supportive. Tim and his team would also invite students that were responsive to the gospel at club to come to church to grow in their pursuit of Jesus.
Students started coming not only to the youth group but joining the church community and coming on Sundays as well. Students who we had simply met at school lunch and invited to club, found opportunity to serve in the church through child-care, children’s ministry, and mission trips. As a result of Campus Life, a deep youth group grew and was welcomed into a church home.
This collaboration with Graham Covenant Church has continued and we are blessed to be able to serve with Rich Arnold (Pastor) and Tim Smyth (Youth Pastor). This relationship paved the way for other collaborations in University Place, Spanaway, and Parkland.Through this process, I’ve witnessed the value and effectiveness of working with other parts of the body of Christ to effectively reach 11-19 year olds.
We need each other. Ministry is all about relationship, not just with an individual, but with a church community as well. We continue to knock on church doors seeking other churches who want to join in this mission of reaching lost teens through school outreach.
Story by Ken Schmidtke, Campus Life Director