How We Respond Matters
Posted on Monday, November 12, 2012 by
“Your response IS the gospel to these kids…”
This was the advice from Kate, one of our Head Leaders, to a Tacoma YFC adult leader as the three of us walked out of a tense meeting at YFCamp this summer. It had been a very difficult day and relationships were strained between this adult leader and the 7 high school girls in her cabin. Feelings were hurt, comments taken the wrong way, and the gap seemed insurmountable.
I had been asked to sit down with the leader and her cabin to figure out a solution. After an hour of talking and venting, we still hadn’t made any headway. With crossed arms and pointing fingers these girls weren’t budging and denied any responsibility. Our YFC staff had asked forgiveness for her part and wanted this whole event to be over. We all agreed (okay, I told them) that our best next step was to join in the camp activity already going on and then, when emotions had calmed down a bit, to talk it through later in the cabin.
As we left the room Kate, and I walked with this YFC leader and tried to encourage her. That evening was a turning point in the YFCamp week as kids would have an opportunity to respond to Jesus and there could be some deep discussions afterwards in the cabin. Kate looked at this young leader and said, “Don’t worry about the discussion questions the speaker is giving you. Don’t worry about the next activity. Just talk this through with your girls. Apologize. Lead with humility. Tell them that you still care for them and want their best. Your response to this IS gospel to them. That’s the most important message you can show and share tonight.”
Wow—what great advice! Often we find ourselves in situations where our nature is to provide well thought out facts, quote a verse or push aside the real issue. But Kate’s message was simply this—Your response, your actions, your forgiveness (or lack of) will communicate most clearly the Jesus you believe in…and desperately want them to know.
What situation will you face today that needs a response that “shows” the radical love of Jesus? How will your life reflect Jesus in that moment?
For Kids,