Leaders in Their Own Backyards
Posted on Monday, September 24, 2012 by
Leaders in their own backyards
“When I see Sophia, I see myself—she’s crazy, bold, rebellious…and I love that girl!”
At a recent City Life team meeting we introduced our newest paid staff, Jeanna Marie. Her role is to serve at a local middle school, finding the most difficult students, those seemingly predisposed to trouble, and simply be their friend. “Being on campus seems so natural, it’s like I was made for this role. These kids see me as ‘Mom’ and will share some pretty difficult stuff about their lives. And I get to share my story and how Jesus is changing me.”
Jeanna Marie has travelled a difficult road. A single mom of four kids she’s the first to admit her failures. In fact, her kids will often tell friends visiting their house, “You see that praying hands sculpture on the fireplace mantel? Well, before the praying hands and Jesus my mom was crazy!” They can laugh now because of the radical change in Jeanna Marie’s life.
Jeanna is just one of many Tacoma YFC leaders who are ministering in their own backyard. She’s one of many “indigenous leaders” that Tacoma YFC is focusing leadership resources upon—young (and not as young) adult leaders who have risen in leadership through YFC programs or have called these tough communities their home for a while. Leaders like DeMarko, Corasia, Patrick, Justin, Evan and many others have drawn a line in the sand and said, “I’m not who I was…I’m different because of Jesus…I love my community and want to bring hope back to the neighborhood.”
Last year a Youth for Christ research brief was put together by City Life staff across the country titled “Unlocking the Keys to Indigenous Leadership”. It’s a fascinating read and featured Tanya, one of our Tacoma YFC indigenous leaders. You can click here ( http://fulleryouthinstitute.org/2012/04/unlocking-the-keys-to-indigenous-urban-leadership/ ) to read the full report.
Some of the key takeaways are the importance of adult/kid relationships, mentors, walking closely with kids after they make a decision to follow Jesus, and clear leadership opportunities. Each of these makes me really grateful that Jeanna Marie is pouring into Sophia’s life. She sees the potential in this troubled young lady’s life because that’s exactly who she was 20+years ago.
Youth for Christ raises indigenous leaders in over 100 countries across the globe from Rwanda to Malaysia to Tacoma’s Hilltop. We value empowering native leaders to reach the neighborhoods they love. After all, who is better equipped to help us understand the heartbeat and share the radical love of Jesus in these communities?
For Kids,